
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award


"On behalf of the Chatham and Clarendon’s new Duke of Edinburgh Award Centre, I would like to thank you very much for the generous donations you made to us. The money was very gratefully received and has enabled the first 28 students to enrol.The donation has been used to purchase tents, trangias, maps, compasses and storm shelters which will all be used in our training, and then when the students carry out and complete their expeditions. The photograph shows our first Bronze Award intake, and some of the kit purchased.
We are also lucky to have a small but experienced and enthusiastic team of staff who are dedicated to providing the necessary training and support, facilitating the students with the successful completion of their awards. I, as manager, look forward to working closely with them, and the students involved. Our plan for the future is to attract and train more staff, therefore increasing the number of places that we are able to offer to the students. Interest about the Award within the school has been sparked and we look to nurture this over the coming years. The beginnings would not have been possible without your donations however, and again, we all thank you.
We all look forward to experiencing the challenges and rewards found within the Award, and will keep you informed of our successes"

Adam Topping.
Duke of Edinburgh Award Manager.

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