
Writers Wanted

No, this man is not wanted by the Kent Police, he is actually Iain Aitch author, writer, creative, personality and former pupil at CHS & CCHGS. After deciding that Shakespeare might just be a little cliched for an appeal for writing talent I found this young man's profile on the web.

He is the author of A Fête Worse Than Death and We're British, Innit and has written articles for many of our national papers; Guardian readers nominated him as a best read on three separate occasions.

He speaks fondly of his schooldays:-

"I didn't like school, they didn't like me and I got out of town as soon as I could. And no, I never slept with Tracey Emin."

Whether or not this sort of profile rings true with you we want you to send us anecdotes and articles that will engage a broader range of readers than was previously expected of that erstwhile tome Ruym in its conventional vellum format. Whilst the traditional profile of successful military career or commonwealth governor remains highly desirable, so too will be stories of those that took less conventional paths, stories of bad behaviour and rants about why the school will never be as good as it was in your day.

So if you are interested, or if you are Iain Aitch and want to complain about being featured in Ruym (whilst it could take the edge off of your image Iain, remember that all publicity is good publicity) please contact editor@oldruymians.co.uk


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