All contributions and comments gratefully received.
John Stroud has kindly informed us that this photo was taken in July 1963.
The line up is as follows: Back row standing l to r: Peter Marshall, David Wood, Ivan Hall, Geoff Ward, Mick Burrows, John Stroud, Jimmy Luff. Front row sitting l to r: Eric Sayer, Pete Somerfield, Bob Tuppen, Brian Webster (Head of School), WPP, Peter Black (Deputy Head of School), Des Payton, Ernie Newman, David "Jock" Andrews. I hope this helps. Incidentally Ivan Hall's father Almer was for many years the manager of Margate FC.
John Stroud was the successor to Brian Webster as the Head of School the following year.

When was the ‘Prefects with The Headmaster ‘ taken? I think it was between 1962-1964. I was at school from ‘62-‘69 and vaguely remember a number of the faces. The only one I remember with certainty, apart from WPP, is Bob Tuppen (3rd from the left in the front row). He was a very accomplished distance runner (note his School Colours tie) and was lauded at school assemblies. He went to Loughborough (I think) and came back to school as a teacher before I left. I think he eventually replaced Maharry (spelling?) as the Head of Athletics.
If anyone can date the picture, and provide more info on the Prefects pictured it would fill in the blanks. TD
Tony Carpenter
I think I can get:
Back Row L to R: Marshall (Peter), X,X, Ward (Geoff), X, Stroud(? John), X
Front Row L to R: X, Summerfield (Peter), Tuppen (Robert -Bob),X, WPP, X,X,X.X.
Ask Pete Summerfield or John Stroud!
One or two more (I knew them all 60 years ago)
Back Row
Peter Marshall, Wood, Ivan Hall, X,X,John Stroud, Luff
Front Row
X, Pete Summerfield, Bob Tuppen,Webster, WPP, Black, X,X,X